Download free obduction steam
Download free obduction steam

Well, no more of that, Obduction does away with that weak premise and only keeps the mystery and the brush with the unknown that the Myst games are renowned for, the total suspension of your cognitive background, that putting you in a situation where everything you know worths nothing and you have to learn it all anew in order to fit there.

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I was willing to ignore it in order to enjoy the puzzling – it wasn’t all that hard, ha ha – but I never accepted it as a worthy premise and always felt a little guilty for enjoying something so poorly staged. I mean Myst was fine and all, but placing the creator on the same level as his creations always felt a bit off to me, lazy narratively and ontologically dismissive, not to mention self-gratifying (yeah, we’re game designers and writing games feels a lot like creating worlds, so let’s make a game about that!), small minded and colonialistic in vision (John Walker was right to point that out) and an all around obvious metaphor.

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